There's a lot of posts in Facebook which are giving me cancer, a lot of quotes about relationship especially which I think it is teaching the wrong things to the girls nowadays. I admit that sometimes I also will be influenced by these kind of posts too, well I'm that kind of girl who loves to read quotes to remind myself and learn something. I love philosophy n I like to think in a twisted mind, sometimes I will go deep down in thinking about one thing that really confused me.
I need to admit that I'm not really like to read the quotes which are written in Chinese, sometimes I guess it is because of the culture which it is encouraging the girls to be dependent to their boyfriend, I am dependent too sometimes but not that kind of 'really really really' dependent one. For instance, the picture above that is really giving me cancer. Which it is saying that a guy which truly love you will still wants you even when he meets the better girl. Wake up girls! We are living in a cruel world, don't live in the Barbie doll world and still building your sandcastles in the air. The guys will definitely be attracted to a girl who has the better self esteem in herself, do not give yourself an excuse for not improving yourself, never ever!
If you are glad that your boyfriend can accept that you are fat and chubby which in fact he actually prefer the slim type of girl, then move your ass girl, don't take that for granted! Exercise, move, dance or jogging, it's up to you on how to slim down yourself in the way you liked. Some bitches will say that I wouldn't understand the struggle of fat girl about how much suffers they need to go through to slim down, well bitch, I'd been on diet too before, I'm a fat ass too before, maybe I'm genetically slim so it's not really hard for me to slim down, but I went through the struggle of diet too before. I slim down myself in one month time and I lost 8kg, you think it's easy for me to control my appetite and not eating much? You think it's easy for me to control my sugar intake and not having any sweet drinks or dessert? I ate two breads for my breakfast and lunch in one day, but dinner I granted myself with rice and durian, hahaha!! It's not the correct way of diet but I'm a night owl, so I need to eat more at night so that I won't crave for supper. The most important one, you think it's easy for me to do cardio dance workouts everyday? Huh? I still remember my sister really worried about me and she scared I had anorexia, well... After I studied Psychology I realized that I have the potential to become one actually, but luckily I can managed my mind to stay healthy at that time.
'Don't just waste your time, work on something, no matter it is pleasure or leisure stuffs, your hobbies.' A guy said this to me few days ago, well maybe he don't understand the reason why I liked him and how he attracts me that much, but this is the solid reason why he attracts me, I like his attitude towards life. Serious guy just really attractive don't you girls think so? Maybe he thought that I never take his advice seriously but actually it do influences me a lot sometimes. Which it's actually quite a contrast to my personality, but I guess I need this kind of guy who can reminds me something about what should I do in my life.
Never find any excuses for yourself when you like to do something. I love being different, that's what I'm working on it most of the time, even I had been discriminated before, it doesn't stop me from doing so, from looking at the magazines about dressup until searching for Youtube videos about makeup. I love dancing, even I don't really have the talent on dancing, but I still dance zumba and aerobics which it is easier for me to learn it by myself and in the same time I can shape my body, I'm enjoying it too even though my brother always teased me about how funny I look while dancing. I love writing, which I'm working on this blog whenever I'm free and need to deal with my bad writing skills and English too, I also learned to deal with the fucking html code to decorate my blog in which I actually understand nothing about the codes. I love drawing too where I have the ability to copy people's art, but mostly better in copying cartoon arts, hahaha! I love reading the most, well I read a lot of novels and articles about various topics, horror or love story, from the Big Bang -- it's not the Korean artist but it is about the history of how the world exists, it is the theory of Stephen Hawking, until the NDE(Near Death Experience) the UFO the sixth sense the pyramids the crop circles etc. There's a lot of things I don't understand because I'm bad at science especially Physics and Chemistry what atom neutron bla bla bla, but I'm enjoying hearing this kind of topics, mostly been influenced a lot from my brother and father. Now, I'm working on cooking, the one thing that I'm really bad at, hahaha! But I know I can do it better if I'm practicing it daily, but I'm just a lazy chick! Hahahaha!
Ichigo, one of my best drawing |
Zero~~~ |
Lastly, don't think that you should maintain your weaknesses even if your man can cope well with it, if you are fat, then slim down! If you are not educated, learning is a lifelong process, don't give up! If you are stupid at studying, then maybe you are good at designing or even cooking! Never stop to improve yourself, don't feel too content for what you have now, even though sometimes easy to feel content is something good too. Don't blame your man if you are dump because you are fat or any other reasons, people has the better choice then why not? Sometimes you need to sit down and think what's the problem of yourself rather than blaming others.
----- THE END -----