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Saturday, 30 July 2016

Never find excuses for not improving yourself

  There's a lot of posts in Facebook which are giving me cancer, a lot of quotes about relationship especially which I think it is teaching the wrong things to the girls nowadays. I admit that sometimes I also will be influenced by these kind of posts too, well I'm that kind of girl who loves to read quotes to remind myself and learn something. I love philosophy n I like to think in a twisted mind, sometimes I will go deep down in thinking about one thing that really confused me. 

  I need to admit that I'm not really like to read the quotes which are written in Chinese, sometimes I guess it is because of the culture which it is encouraging the girls to be dependent to their boyfriend, I am dependent too sometimes but not that kind of 'really really really' dependent one. For instance, the picture above that is really giving me cancer. Which it is saying that a guy which truly love you will still wants you even when he meets the better girl.  Wake up girls! We are living in a cruel world, don't live in the Barbie doll world and still building your sandcastles in the air. The guys will definitely be attracted to a girl who has the better self esteem in herself, do not give yourself an excuse for not improving yourself, never ever! 

  If you are glad that your boyfriend can accept that you are fat and chubby which in fact he actually prefer the slim type of girl, then move your ass girl, don't take that for granted! Exercise, move, dance or jogging, it's up to you on how to slim down yourself in the way you liked. Some bitches will say that I wouldn't understand the struggle of fat girl about how much suffers they need to go through to slim down, well bitch, I'd been on diet too before, I'm a fat ass too before, maybe I'm genetically slim so it's not really hard for me to slim down, but I went through the struggle of diet too before. I slim down myself in one month time and I lost 8kg, you think it's easy for  me to control my appetite and not eating much? You think it's easy for me to control my sugar intake and not having any sweet drinks or dessert? I ate two breads for my breakfast and lunch in one day, but dinner I granted myself with rice and durian, hahaha!!  It's not the correct way of diet but I'm a night owl, so I need to eat more at night so that I won't crave for supper. The most important one, you think it's easy for me to do cardio dance workouts everyday? Huh? I still remember my sister really worried about me and she scared I had anorexia, well... After I studied Psychology I realized that I have the potential to become one actually, but luckily I can managed my mind to stay healthy at that time.   

  'Don't just waste your time, work on something, no matter it is pleasure or leisure stuffs, your hobbies.' A guy said this to me few days ago, well maybe he don't understand the reason why I liked him and how he attracts me that much, but this is the solid reason why he attracts me, I like his attitude towards life. Serious guy just really attractive don't you girls think so? Maybe he thought that I never take his advice seriously but actually it do influences me a lot sometimes. Which it's actually quite a contrast to my personality, but I guess I need this kind of guy who can reminds me something about what should I do in my life. 

  Never find any excuses for yourself when you like to do something. I love being different, that's what I'm working on it most of the time, even I had been discriminated before, it doesn't stop me from doing so, from looking at the magazines about dressup until searching for Youtube videos about makeup. I love dancing, even I don't really have the talent on dancing, but I still dance zumba and aerobics which it is easier for me to learn it by myself and in the same time I can shape my body, I'm enjoying it too even though my brother always teased me about how funny I look while dancing. I love writing, which I'm working on this blog whenever I'm free and need to deal with my bad writing skills and English too, I also learned to deal with the fucking html code to decorate my blog in which I actually understand nothing about the codes. I love drawing too where I have the ability to copy people's art, but mostly better in copying cartoon arts, hahaha! I love reading the most, well I read a lot of novels and articles about various topics, horror or love story, from the Big Bang -- it's not the Korean artist but it is about the history of how the world exists, it is the theory of Stephen Hawking, until the NDE(Near Death Experience) the UFO the sixth sense the pyramids the crop circles etc. There's a lot of things I don't understand because I'm bad at science especially Physics and Chemistry what atom neutron bla bla bla, but I'm enjoying hearing this kind of topics, mostly been influenced a lot from my brother and father. Now, I'm working on cooking, the one thing that I'm really bad at, hahaha! But I know I can do it better if I'm practicing it daily, but I'm just a lazy chick! Hahahaha! 

Ichigo, one of my best drawing


  Lastly, don't think that you should maintain your weaknesses even if your man can cope well with it, if you are fat, then slim down! If you are not educated, learning is a lifelong process, don't give up! If you are stupid at studying, then maybe you are good at designing or even cooking! Never stop to improve yourself, don't feel too content for what you have now, even though sometimes easy to feel content is something good too. Don't blame your man if you are dump because you are fat or any other reasons, people has the better choice then why not? Sometimes you need to sit down and think what's the problem of yourself rather than blaming others.

----- THE END -----

Sunday, 24 July 2016

We are living in a judgemental world

  Well, this gonna be my first time to use English for this blog, the first rule when you are opening this post is: DO NOT JUDGE MY ENGLISH!! Just kidding and hey, I just get a Band 3 for my MUET only, there are going to be a lot of grammar mistakes I guess, but I need to say that we are learning from mistakes, hahahaha!! So pardon me for any mistakes okay? So today am not going to have any love story sharing session here or any fun holiday topic, am going to talk some serious shit here today! 

 People are judgemental, well I'm not saying that judgement is something bad, we need to judge ourselves in order to keep on improving, society need judgement to become the better society, but there are assholes out there who use the name of 'judgement' to discriminate people who are different. People are stereotype, we stereotype people based on their social group, skin colour and more, if someone is acting differently and against the social norms, some people tend to be ignorant by asserting the act of discrimination against the others. I myself is the victim of the discrimination act last time when am in the age of 16, it is very sad that people discriminate you for some shitty reasons. Who gives you the power to bully others? Well, society gives them sometimes. I'm well aware that how much people are influenced by the social norms. Just because I'm being friend with the people who aren't even related to you so you wanna discriminate me? Why don't just go and fuck yourself seriously.

  Why is it wrong for someone to be different when they wanna do so? Well, some bitches out there gonna say something like 'you shouldn't look like that' and bla bla bla stuffs. Haaaa! If someone who is happy to do something that they like, why do you even wanna stop them from doing so? They don't even hurt others for their behaviors. We are unique individual in which we all have different thoughts and attitudes towards life and that's something that make us different from each other. Judging others? Why don't you just go and learn how to respect people!  

  There is one quote sounding like this: 'You laugh at me for being different, I laugh at you for being the same'. I don't mean that I will laugh at you for wanna be the same because ain't nobody got time for this, am busying living my life and writing my blog.That is your choice and it has nothing to do with me, but what I'm trying to bring out here is everything will have their different side, such as black and white. You are not suppose to judge people right? They have their own way to enjoy their lives, why you even wanna bother about he is gay ewww, she is lesbian ewww, she's wearing too much makeup so fake, she's wearing like a slut stuffs? You know what? Go get a life and stop being judgemental asshole.

  And to the people who love to be different from the others, you know what bitch? Just keep on living your life because the one who hates you will still gonna hate you no matter what, those poor creatures. You are beautiful as being yourselves, don't even need to bother for those ignorant people who wanna bring you down in your life. I'm thankful for been discriminated once in my life, because this is something that makes me even stronger. These things are not gonna bring me down, am gonna stand up two times stronger than before, because what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.  
  I'm still gonna be myself for living my life in the way I want it, am still gonna talk like a horny bitch and sarcastically with my friends, am still gonna makeup in the way I like, am still gonna wear wig to go out enjoy my dates and so on. Bitches out there don't tryna tell me how much makeup I need to put on, I'm the one who in control of the brush, I will be anything I wanna look like baby. Don't tryna tell me that I'm putting on makeup because am lack of confident, you know what bitch? I'm putting on makeup just because I loves seeing myself look beautiful in the reflection of the mirror when passing by the shops. Am gonna get crazy get loud get wild in the crowd, the things that those judgemental bitches don't even have the balls to do so. 

That's me in the way I am, YOLO. 

----- THE END -----

Friday, 15 July 2016

Sungai Golok 之一日游


  趁着我的长假, 老爸就说想带我出去看看世界(言重了), 所以他打算带我到泰国去走走看看吃吃体验一下, 因为老爸每次都会他的对象一起去那边吃和走(我居然不知道我老爸这么厉害享受去)。 本来有点懒惰要去做 border pass 就打算拒绝, 不过老爸死硬拉我去做, 问我假期不出去走走关在家做什么? 我就不情不愿带着臭脸去做了, 哈哈哈!  我都很 moody 的咯。

Sungai Golok, 小城市。

  由于小妹没有去到外国的经验,虽然住在吉兰丹要去到泰国很方便,不过就是没有去过, 所以第一次去体验看看去到外国是要做什么的, 如何 cop passport 酱紫, 知道有什么程序需要去做, 麻烦下的排队好长, 不过幸好员工效率很好, 所以没有排队很久。 之后就让老爸的对象驾车带我们去绕绕, 刚刚去到的时候阿姨就去一家 salon 做指甲, 本人无聊到在那边补眠, 睡到嘴开开的期间被老爸打我的腿吓醒我,要我把手机收好等下弄跌, 真的是 !@#$%^&*  本人睡的正熟捏! 醒来没多久刚刚好阿姨也做完指甲了, 而我也精神去了, 7 点早上醒来真要命。  

  之后, 阿姨就带我们去一家餐馆试试看泰国的食物, 老爸说这是我第一次到泰国来, 所以让阿姨帮忙叫好吃的给我尝尝, 因为我不会说泰语,老爸也不算厉害。 结果阿姨叫了好多好多满满的一桌, 吃的肚子好撑, 开始觉得不舒服去了肚子涨风, 不懂做么。 来到泰国怎么可以不尝尝这里的 somtam?阿姨叫了两种 somtam, 一种是普通吃的用木瓜做, 另一种是我第一次尝试水果的做法。

木瓜 somtam

水果 somtam

   我们也叫了 kerabu, 炒芥兰菜,烤鱼还有东炎来试试看, 味道也不差啦, 不过和我期待的有点差距咯, 哈哈! 话说这是我第一次尝试白色汤的东炎呢, 由于汤底有点辣, 所以我也不喝汤,而我也很白痴的去点了热热的饮料, 哈哈!




  饮料我点了热 mocha, 因为本人还是有点困,也想试试看这里的 mocha 味道如何, 所以就点了, 虽然很白痴在大热天点热的, 我也后悔下, 不过幸好味道不差, 当然还是不能和那种咖啡厅的比较啦味道, 不过他们带来的时候那摆饰有让我郁闷下,第一次看到 mocha 是酱紫的, 还配茶,不过茶的味道有太重的花味,好恶心! 


  吃饱饱后也有打包一些东西回家吃, 之后阿姨就去买一些日常用品还有去巴杀买鸡脚,因为我想吃 kerabu 鸡脚, 嘿嘿! 期待下。  爱死阿姨了,拿食物贿赂我就对了! 科科。 在买东西期间等阿姨去买东西, 我很三八的让爸爸帮我在路边拍照了, 爸爸也挺配合的帮我拍照, 难得耶! 爸爸变开朗很多去了, 身为女儿看了也开心。我也在那期间问老爸一些很白痴的问题,结果给老爸呛:“果然人家说如今的大学生就只会读书, 但是却连一点生活常识都没有都是对的!” 我就郁闷的回嘴说就是因为不知道所以要不耻下问,总比不知道了还不开口问的好吧! 哈哈哈!  老爸就静静了。


  之后, 东西买完了就要回去啦, 其实 Sungai Golok 就像 Bentong 酱紫是个小城市, 也没什么特别的地方, 爸爸说人家都是去吃罢了居多, 阿姨说下次带我去 Hatyai 看看, 好期待,呼呼!   

  把手上的东西分配好后, 老爸就送我回家去了,今晚的宵夜不少哦! 哈哈! 之后给婆婆带去一些东西, 婆婆看到我的穿着就马上说我的衣服布料是不是不够啊? 我就开玩笑说我在为国家省布料, 可以确定了 sarcasm 的这种 pattern 是遗传下来的, 哈哈哈!  婆婆的讽刺 level 不输老爸, 可能还更上一层楼。回到家后就只有跑厕所的命运, 不知道为什么肚子不舒服, 嘿嘿, 幸好没大便在裤子里。

  话说, 今天 provisional result 公布了捏, 幸好本小姐全部都 pass, 几担心下因为本人在考试期间身体状况不太好怕会影响我的作答, pass 了就好, 至少没有像上个 sem 酱紫有个 conditional pass 的成绩, 科科, 到现在都不敢跟老爸讲我上个 sem 的成绩,不然肯定被靠北,嘿嘿。 

----- THE END -----

Wednesday, 13 July 2016


  人家都会说, 女儿就是爸爸的前世情人, 所以女儿通常都会特别粘爸爸, 个人觉得这话似乎也不假, 因为从我这里就明显可以看得出, 从小最粘爸爸的人就是我, 而粘妈妈的却是哥哥, 哈哈哈!  不知道是不是我的错觉,个人觉得老爸很爱找我聊天, 可能因为似乎就只有我真的认真听进去吧,还有因为我会开嘴反驳提出意见以及不耻下问的 pasal 瓜, 啊哈哈哈!!   不要怀疑, 我就是那个最爱和老爸斗嘴的那一位。 

  其实, 每次和老爸聊天, 个人发觉到从爸爸身上可以学会很多我们这些小孩子看不到应该如何成熟的处理事情的那方面, 就譬如之前老爸说男人结婚的年龄不应该超过 32 岁, 我就很不理解此话何来, 因为在我眼中男人 35 岁结婚似乎也不迟嘛, 结果老爸就说如果 35 岁结婚, 就譬如说把前面五年花在计划生孩子中, 那时候你已经 40 岁了, 孩子长大需要 20 年, 那时候你已经 60 岁了, 但是孩子却连大学可能都还没开始进或才读到一半, 可是你已经到了要退休的年龄, 那孩子的学费怎么办?  老爸的答案让我突然间开窍了, macam yes juga hor。 难得的本小姐竟然说不出反驳他的话,因为是对的。

  其实虽然老爸很爱碎碎念, 讲话的时候总是免不了爱讽刺你的习性, 但是从中我真的明白了不少的事情, 只要认真去听, 成熟的无视他那可恨的 sarcasm pattern, 和老爸真的可以交流很多。  就如昨天老爸就告诉我过世的妈妈身为女人的一些问题, 很多时候女人如果没有站在老公或另一半的立场来考虑一些问题, 真的会给另一半带来窘境, 而这些窘境是会让男生很不爽的,再加上如果很刚巧是关系到两个家庭的问题的时候。 

  很多时候, 老爸和我真的有很大的年龄代沟,他的一些看法真的很让我受不了, 但是如果真的坐下来谈谈, 没有一次的谈话是让我没有学习到任何东西, 因为对于那种生活常识的东西, 我很不擅长。  就如昨天老爸竟然主动开口教我应该如何煮出好吃的半熟蛋, 然后问我是如何煮的, 我就解释咯我是怎样煮的,结果噼里啪啦给他训了一下下,说:‘人家做事情的时候不主动来帮忙不来看就是害你现在变成酱紫的罪魁祸首了咯,懒啦多一点,你知道爸爸小时候什么事情都会主动去看去做的吗?’ Bla bla bla 被训了 10分钟, 而我也瞧瞧的做了鬼脸在老爸看不到的时候。  还记得有一次给老爸训话:‘ 久久回来家乡一次,就应该出来见见亲戚探望他们呆在家里一整天做什么?’ 训了好长的一段时间,本小姐就左耳进右耳出的听着, 一边做鬼脸, 结果刚好老爸转头看到我在扮鬼脸, 结果他笑了问我做么?他说的不对咩? 哈哈哈, 幸好没被骂。 

  还有很多事情, 譬如买车 insurance 的那一些本人听的有点懵懵懂懂的啦, 不过知道重点在哪就好, 因为我真的对车完全不理解也不知道该如何去说。 不过我最爱八卦的还是老爸目前和某某女的进展如何, 哈哈哈哈!! 因为谈恋爱是我最厉害的一方面了, 哈哈哈! 老爸就和我抱怨一些女人的问题,结果我就提出意见应该要如何去应对, 看得出老爸烦恼下, 说女人真难搞做什么都不对, 我就说其实你的女儿也是酱紫的,老爸就转头看着我一边笑着说原来你也是酱紫的!!  老爸真可爱啊!

  很多时候, 应该好好的坐下来和长辈们聊天啦, 虽然本人都很不爱去搭理那些和我不熟的长辈, 不过如果是和老爸聊,就真的聊不完的感觉。 我这个犯贱的也很特别爱问老爸一些很愚蠢的问题, 就譬如说老爸不要喝甜, 我就叫他加水就好干嘛靠北那么多, 老爸就瞪住我说加水 sugar content 还是一样没差, 我就问是吗? 这时候老爸就会开始摇头问我科学都学到哪里去了,我就说还给老师了, 哈哈哈!!  还有一个更可笑我问老爸为什么蜜糖的糖你可以吃但为什么 sugar 就不能? 老爸更无奈的和我解释 sugar 的糖分是 glucose, 而 glucose 就是可以让你的糖尿病的一种, 而蜜糖里的糖分不是 glucose, that's why。 我到现在都还可以想象到我老爸和我解释的时候, 那种很无语的样子, 哈哈哈哈!!

  我选男人的眼光, 也是以我老爸的标准去选人, 我不要一个不独立的男生, 什么都需要妈妈的意见做什么都需要妈妈来做, hello 你已经成年了耶, 不是小孩子了耶, 不要当个妈宝好吗? 我要的是成熟的男人, 可以成熟的处理与看待事情,让我感觉待在你身边是可以被你照顾的很好的, 而不是一个任何东西都需要靠妈妈或爸爸的男生来照顾,在如何成熟都会有个度,如果你不能离开妈妈的手掌心, 因为我要的是一个男人, 而不是男孩。 我想要的是可以依赖的可以照顾照顾我的, 当然我也会照顾因为男人再如何强也少不了女人的温柔, 但我不会想要照顾一个男孩就是了。  


----- THE END -----

Wednesday, 6 July 2016


  终于, 本小姐的长假开始了, 话说人家考试后都是急着要回去自己的家乡见见父母, 但是我这个不孝女却不是酱紫,考试过后把房间收拾干净后, 本人反而跑到 KL 找姐姐哥哥和我的 bitches 们去了。  这个行程从大考前就和我的 bitches 们说好了大家一起去 pub 喝酒, 因为本小姐失恋伤透心的 pasal, 她们就打算灌醉我。  

  考完试当天, 本小姐就马上开始收拾和整理干净我们的房间, 晚上七点就搭巴士奔到 KL 去了, 大约 3 点早上本人到达了巴士站, 妈的当时就只有我一个人在车站等姐姐来接我,你妹的害怕到死!!  幸好有德士司机在四周, 而不是我一个女生罢了, 等了大约 20 分钟姐姐就到了, 当晚就和老姐一起睡酒店去。 

  隔天, 因为计划出现了改变, 于是变成我去阿梅男友的家和她一起打扮化妆漂漂亮亮, 我们就出发去了, 好久没见我的 bitch 我们在车上聊到没完没了, 真的好想念想念她哦!!  之后到达了 Marini's on 57 的 pub, 听说是全 KL 最高级的一间 pub 了, 果然让我大开眼界。 


  这是本人第一次真正进入一个不同的世界, pub 里面大家都很随性的坐着聊天, 看着一个个的外国佬, 难道姐今晚就会有个异国的伴? 哈哈哈哈, 你妹想太多。  坐在一个很 perfect 的座位后, 是面对着 KLCC 的, 外面的夜景也很漂亮, 很多人都会在我们座位面前拍照, 而阿梅的男友和男友的哥哥 —— CK, 就一直站起来给人家 photobomb, 让我们这几个女的都很想要装作不认识他们, 不过还是很好笑的。  


  他们叫了一瓶 Chivas 烈酒参一点点 coke, 一开始就给我来个 one shot Tequila, 一喝下去整个肚子都燃烧起来的感觉, 好呛的感觉!! 不过烧烧的肚子却让我的经痛缓了下来, 整个人舒服了, 头也开始晕了起来, 姐没喝过那么多酒的啊!!我的妈, 一杯 one shot 就让我晕了。。

  之后, 看着我的 bitch 和别的朋友一起抽烟, 本人不抽烟就只有吸二手烟的份罢了, 哈哈哈哈!  然后阿梅的男友、CK 还有 CEO (一个朋友) 就开始灌我酒了,原因是因为本人一直都在讯息, 其实是在和我新的暧昧对象聊天嘛, 喝了一口又一口, 原来 Chivas 加 coke 的味道就像 dettol 的味道酱紫, 喝到第二杯的时候整个人就晕了,走路都困难去,然后 send 给暧昧对象的 message 都很乱七八糟, 是不是很逊!?  亏阿梅还帮我挡了好几次。。。  第二杯喝完后, 本人就想说趁阿梅陪另一个朋友上厕所的时候睡在桌子上休息一下, 结果就一倒不起。 

  躺着的同时听到阿梅回来了, 她就跟我说如果不舒服要吐就记得跟她讲, 本人已经醉到神志不清的地步了那时候, 再加上不舒服到极点, 随随便便点点头敷衍下, 没想到下一秒本人竟然就吐了, 你妹竟然在一个高级的 pub 喝到吐了, 本人还可以再丢脸一点!!  昏头期间就感觉得到阿梅和大家扶我起来坐到别的地方, 然后帮我抹我的脸清干净脸上的呕泻物, 我就继续醉死躺着在桌子上, 那时候也记得有 waiter 给我一个大纸袋让我吐在里面。  大家就继续喝酒, 本人休息举白旗了, 而另一个 bitch 赖某却还没到场, 人都醉死了她还没到,哈哈哈哈!! 


  醉死期间, 隐隐约约还可以感受到某个温柔的手持续在抚摸着我的秀发, 哈哈哈! 就是阿梅男友的哥哥 CK 咩, 感激他因为很有经验照顾酒醉的女生,让我好受了不少, 真的有被他的温柔感动到下。  不知道躺了多久, 感觉晕晕的脑袋在呕吐了好多次后好受了点, 就感觉有人开始扶着我走路, 本人就猜应该是差不多收档了吧? 就跟着扶我的人一起走, 在电梯的时候, 有点半清醒, 那时候看到有好几个外国的女生帮我调整我的裙子,因为走光了, 还轻轻扶着我的脸温柔的问我 ‘are you ok?’ 我就点头笑笑和她们说谢谢。 在走出去建筑物的时候, 本人回头一看就看到阿梅也是完全 KO 了, 给她的男朋友扛着,被捡尸了, 哈哈哈。 

  到了 parking 车的地方, CK 就让我坐下休息一下子,之后才上车。 隐隐约约间记得他们给警察停车搜身等等,然后赖某给我打了电话本人来不及接等等, 最后才到家, 感激那两兄弟一整晚都把我们照顾得很好, 还记得他们忙的跑上跑下的, 还是吉兰丹人最热心, 真的很感激, 哈哈。   

  隔天起来冲凉, 阿梅就打电话给我, 冲凉好后就去她男友的房间看看她, 阿梅宿醉了,幸好我没有, 哈哈哈! 阿梅才详细的跟我解释前一晚发生了什么事情, 原来她给她男友调的 Chivas 90% 浓度给灌到醉, 这男的好狡猾, 本人 20% 的都醉死去了话说, 哈哈哈。 然后, 再开回我的 wechat 看看我和暧昧对象的对话,本人真心哭笑不得, 哈哈哈!! 一大堆错字搞的他都不懂我在写什么。 和阿梅聊天了一下, 那两兄弟也出去吃午餐, 我和阿梅就留在房间聊天一边等我哥哥的电话, 大约 12.30pm 酱紫哥哥就到了, 很刚好那两兄弟也吃完回来了, CK 就陪我兼抗我重重的行李箱出去等我哥哥, 看着他轻轻松松的扛着我那重到半死的行李箱, 强壮的男人真心不错。 

  之后, 哥哥到了后, 我们就和姐姐 meet 还有哥哥的朋友一起去看 The Conjuring 2, 真心觉得好好看! 看完后也差不多到晚餐时间了, 我们就一起吃晚餐后就回去哥哥住的地方去。之后大概留在 KL 一个星期, 在那一整个星期和暧昧对象发展得不错, 虽然中间他也有一点点吃醋当晚喝醉发生的事情, 不过幸好他不会怪我, 也很体谅我, 感激不尽。  对他的感情一直持续增加中,科科。 

  我的 bitches 们也很支持我这次的暧昧对象, 好久了已经没有这么幸福的感觉, 不想再换对象了, 这个 sem 的身体状况也真的很糟糕, 在考试期间竟然尿道感染回来了, 月经也被影响了, 一个星期的经痛经验真他妈的难受, 4 张 paper 都被经痛影响, 好害怕会考到很差。  我不要啦!!希望一切顺顺利利,唉。。。 

  最后 po 下本人新的暧昧对象的合照下, 粉帅素不素? 素不素? 本人真的不是要当花痴的, 不过他真的真的粉帅,人也很温柔。  本人前辈子到底是烧了多少个好香才可以遇到他,没想到当初就只是爽爽去开他的 profile 来看看因为是帅哥本人也没有期待可以发展还是怎样, 但他却 send 聊天的 request 给我, 真的有受宠若惊下当时,然后因为一些事情让我们两个人决定约出来见见面。 话说本女子约了无数个男生出来见面吃饭过, 就只有他真的可以让我心动, 呼呼。

帅帅 der 他~~ 

----- THE END -----